EcoRun in its short history has organized three major events – EcoRun 2008, EcoRun 2010 and EcoRun 2011.
EcoRun 2008 was an astounding 1030km solo run starting from Kanyakumari all the way to Sree Mookambika Temple in Kollur, Karnataka. The message was to stop using plastic bags and to refrain from burning plastic items. This run, having also straddled the state of Kerala, made the runner the first to have run the entire length of that state.
EcoRun 2010 consisted of a relay by school and college students and a solo run by Dr. George Thomas. The message was to reduce, reuse and recycle plastic bags. The message addressed the sad Kerala habits of burning plastic bags and throwing such bags and plastic bottles along the roadside and in ponds and rivers.
EcoRun 2011 had two events, both seeking to inform that no manufacturing permit be issued for a pesticide that had not been scientifically proven to be harmless. The message had urgent relevance due to the deaths resulting from the spraying of Endosulfan in Kasargode district. The first event of Ecorun 2011 was held on January 1 at Shankhummukham Beach in Trivandrum. It was the Bhaaryaasametham wife-carrying race, a first in Asia. The second event of EcoRun 2011 was an ultramarathon held a week later.
The events, all three years, were held in Kerala for the simple reason that the organization having started in Kerala and being young did not have the organizational and financial capacity to hold events right away in other parts of our nation. The campaigns are expected to slowly spread to other parts in due time.